Thursday Two Questions #38

Self Sagacity Commenter Contest BadgeSelf Sagacity runs a Top Commenter Contest every three months, and the winner's badge and link is displayed under the Message Board to the right on the home page. It doesn't require the commenter to do anything more than what he/ she is already doing. The number of comments are tallied after a two weeks period and the winner is notified. The contest doesn't discriminate who and how the comments are made, just as long as the comments are relevant to the post.
It was started as a way to thank the regulars and people who are frequent visitors. But it could just be someone new who enjoys reading the many different subjects that Self Sagacity covers. What ever the case, the last day is June 3rd at 11:59 PM. And there is still enough time to do some serious commenting if you wish. Wink.

Time flew by this week. Having the Memorial Day off really have me chasing my days. I can't believe it is already Wednesday, and that means it is time to play Thursday Two Questions. I can't wait to see your questions this week, here are mine:

Here are Self Sagacity's Thursday Two Questions #38
1) Have you had life changing moments? Name one that was a total surprise.
2) Name one of the most brilliant blogging moments you had?

Want to play along? To join Thursday Two Questions Meme just 1) Post your own two questions on your blog, 2) Have a link or badge on your post to Self and have fun visiting others.

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  1. 1. I received some unexpected correspondence from a dear friend today. It was both encouraging and challenging. I think it may prove to be very life changing.

    2. For my 500th post I did a parody of the song 500 miles. I had hyper links to a number of posts I had made over the past 2.5 years. I thought it was simply brilliant. Unfortunatley I posted again shortly after that and very few people were able to see it. It is the URL I am leaving here if you want to check it out

  2. Believing in Jesus has been the biggest life changing moment. It was a total surprise, because I thought that knowing about Him was enough. When I learned about having a relationship with Him, that changed the course of my life.

    Brilliant blogging moment? Starting to picnik my photos before posting them. What a difference when I photo edit!

  3. 1. life's changing moment: i complained to my boss about the very bad traffic in manila going home and thus i purposely watched a movie first before going home. boss asked me to tutor his son who struggled in high school calculus, that way, i will be earning extra money instead of spending money in the theater. after several tutoring sessions with his son, i found i was tutoring most of his friends, and several of them told me, "how I wish you were my teacher. you have a way of teaching that makes math enjoyable, challenging, but not intimidating." that changed my life forever, i became a teacher after that.
    2. i almost quit blogging before because I was having a time of my life social networking in FB ( well, I still love FB but won't let FB anymore stop me from blogging), until a friend told me my younger brother adopted a scholar because he learned of their foundation through my blog. I woke up....Facebook is merely social networking....blogging has a deeper meaning and purpose other than shouting what you are doing and what you are thinking. I love blogging.

  4. Amanda, maybe because I am as old as I am, I have had many life changing moments! Some of them have been traumatic and some exhilarating. They would fill at least a couple books. The day my first child was born, the day of my first wedding, the day I graduated basic training and my parents were there, the first time I was raped or beaten. The pendulum goes both ways but through it all, Christ was my constant.

    The first comment on my blog was probably the most precious. I love the interaction.

  5. Oh so many life changing moments. When I made the decision to move from GA to AK it changed everything. A chance conversation with a man who is now my husband. A moment standing near a river outside of Barrow, AK and watching the sun set and then rise, all within less than an hour.

    It may not be brilliant to the rest of the world but two years ago I wrote (which I seldom do) a multi-part post about my husband's grandmother. I was especially pleased with the "letter" than ended the series.

  6. I`m joining in for the first time this week! My life changing moment was when my husband asked me to marry him when we had only known each other for a month. We are still married after 11 years. Best blogging moment? When I started receiving comments!

  7. 1) Life changing moment for me was when I decided to make a break from the marriage.

    2) Blogging moment was when I see beautiful photographs, and discover that I can take pictures too without being a professional one.

    I'm currently having the interior downstairs painted, that's why the questions came to me :-) Wish you were here!

  8. 1. We moved to the city last August, and our old dog (14 years) had Alzheimers, which we didn't know until after we moved. He went downhill so quickly because he didn't recognize anything. He was the most wonderful, perfect dog.

    We tried 2 other puppies after that, both were so rambunctious my husband and I had to admit we were too old for such nonsense and return them to the kennel from whence they came.

    Life changing: peaceful home to utter chaos to peace once again!

    2. A great blogging moment was when I deleted a blog after a few months and several blogging buddies hunted me down and emailed me to see what had happened. I did indeed make friends!

  9. 1. When I became a Christian, definitely.
    2. I'm still waiting for that big moment :-)

  10. My most surprising blogging moment was finding my blog listed on Food News Journal. It took a while to come back to earth.

    My most surprising personal moment was becoming pregnant with my first child. I had been told I was infertile and this was long before the days of in-vitro fertilization. I was thrilled beyond belief.

    I hope you all have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  11. Becoming pregnant with my first son, Whirling Dervish, was a total surprise and a life changing moment. He was conceived on the pill with a condom. I definitely had to grow up a bit to welcome him into our lives.

    One of the best blogging moments was when I hosted my first linkup party and people actually came.

  12. How interesting to read everyone's comments. I think my "first" life changing moment was when my highschool boyfriend told me he loved me and we became an "item". It was like my life was nothing before that time. The closeness I experienced with him was more than I had ever experienced with anyone and it certainly added to the value of my life. Best blogging moment was when I started receiving comments (more than just 1 or 2). Have a lovely weekend. Mickie :)

  13. I think my first life changing moment must have been having my 1st born in 2004.

    Can't really think about great blogging moments but blogging has been great.

  14. 1 The day my mother called me on the phone. I did not know her and I was 23 years old at the time I met her.

    2. Hmmm I'm not sure I've had a brilliant stroke with blogging just as yet.
    But maybe it's our music fun each week? I'm honestly not sure.


  15. I love this meme, which is why I love to take part when I have a chance. I alweays enjoy your questions!

    1. Yes. It is a long story but I was on a process of self-improvement when a friend passed away. It was a defining moment as I soon discovered that I could do anything I set my mind to. 5 years on, it is still a powerful lesson.

    2. I think when I was Blogger Blog of Note. That was fun and I made lots of new friends.


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