Yellow and Purple Irises

From Wandering Thought to Self Sagacity

It was a rainy day last July before I departed from Michigan, when IcyBC / Wandering Thought and I were out in her back yard digging up Iris bulbs for me to take home to California. Don't ask me why it was raining in July, it did.

I would have been disappointed if the Irises didn't come up, but they did. These flowers are much more meaningful to me since I received the bulbs from IcyBC. They came with a story, they came with love. However, since I didn't label what colors the bulbs were to know what I was putting down when I did. I was pleasantly surprised to see the Purple and Yellow Irises growing next to each other. Even though only two came up this year, there will be plenty more to admire given the way they are thriving now.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. The two colors really compliment each other. I love that cheerful yellow.

    Love always helps the flowers grow.

  2. wow... never seen a black flower! Beautiful! much love Anna

  3. Beautiful irises and photos. Great shots, have a wonderful weekend.

  4. They are gorgeous, and the colors are exactly the way they are here. My haven't bloom yet..The blue one didn't grow, huh?

  5. Yeah..they survive! You must have green thumb for them to grow this strong and beautiful!

  6. Oh my so lovely! Nice photo so amazes me that today again...rain....we've had a lot of it here too...although not somany blooms lilacs are still not ready...but I have the dandelions, well not really so much right now....the rain has made them hide a bit! Have a great weekend....! Take care of those lovely flowers!!!!

  7. So beautiful! You are blessed!

  8. Hello from Oklahoma! I have purple irises, too, and I love them. I love your yellow ones, so I might just go get some for my own iris garden.
    Dianne @

  9. Beautiful flowers! (Found your blog from Six Word Saturday)

  10. They're gorgeous -- congratulations on your great blooms!

  11. That's beautiful colors in the sun light!

  12. I love irises - yours are really pretty! Visiting from 6WS!

    Susan in SC

  13. Beautiful irises - I am so not a green thumb and envy those that have the ability.

    Cheers, Fi

  14. congrats for the macro shots and also for the ehader of your blog
    love it

  15. I've never seen irises in yellow before...looks as lovely nd stunning as purple!

  16. Beautiful! I love that black Iris :)

  17. Wonderful details of the purple and yellow irises. Gorgeous shots!

  18. Lovely!!! They look like beautiful satin! The colors are so vibrant and clean! Well done! Cathy

  19. How sweet of her. They are glorious!


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