2. Don't click on any URL, or open any mail attachment unless it's sent by your friends, or sites you’ve subscribed to. If you just can’t help being curious, retype the URL into the browser yourself.
3. Scan your computer once a day for any files or folders you don’t recognize. It is easier to spot something that is not yours if you’re consistent and know how you have labeled your files and folders.
4. Make sure your computer is protected by anti-virus software. Pay attention to the messages on the bottom right of your screen, especially the messages from your update virus scanner and Microsoft.
5. Never respond to emails that offer you money for doing something easy or for work at home with request for address, name and phone number. Always cross check with other trusted sites online.
6. Buy from websites that protect your privacy, or check the url bar for "https." Use a throw away email if you have to fill out a form on a site to finish a download. Create an extra email from Google Mail or YahooMail.
7. Never download soft wares using peer to peer networks and don't install their soft wares.
8. Keep individual passwords for the sites that really matter (ie. your banking sites, e-mail, etc…) You don’t want all your accounts to be compromised if one is exploited. For example, it is not a good idea to make your FaceBook password the same as your online banking account!
9. Turn off the wireless and blue-tooth connections on your laptop when you are not using it. Don’t leave your computer connected to a hotel network or public WIFI more than you need to be. It is very easy for people to find your personal information.
10. Turn on your pop up browser blocker. Not only are they annoying but a great way of transporting malware.
I am pleased that you came to visit today. Thank you~
Nice informative post.
ReplyDeleteThis is one of the fears that I have. Great tips and advices..
ReplyDeletei hardly use credit card online. I'm afraid of that!
ReplyDeleteMy bank has advised they do not send emails. Scammers often send out emails looking exactly like your bank's web site. Do not open them!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for the great advice!
I get a lot of fake emails from scammers that try to look like Ebay or a bank. A real email will use your name but the fake ones will say something like Dear Customer! If in doubt just to to their website. A real bank or company will never ask for your account number.
ReplyDeleteI've never had any problems but I am super careful.
I always worry about this so I'm glad I came across your post. Very informative and extremely important. Thank you for sharing this with all of us.
ReplyDeleteYes. I agree with all of you, it's so scary, to the point you can't even be yourself - if you were ever effected. Just do what you can and hope God is good to you!
ReplyDeleteIt's scary out there, with so many new ways that thief can do to steal your identity. Thanks for the great tips and advices...
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