What does Self Sagacity.com blog about? Self Sagacity is about the choices and tips shared from experiences that could affect one's life. When you visit Self Sagacity you'll be greeted with columns on:
- home remodeling, decor / furnishings,
- cooking, healthy eating, Asian recipes,
- how to grow from seeds, gardening,
- technology and
- finances.
Self Sagacity also publishes ideas and reviews about:
- online businesses, brick and mortar businesses,
- family values, health, education,
- real estate investing,
- fashion, and beauty articles.
When did Self Sagacity.com start? The site was formed in November 2009, and Self Sagacity.com went live on December 3rd, 2009
How did you come to choose the title Self Sagacity.com? I love the word Sagacity, and pairing it with Self was perfectly fitting, for I am not speaking for everyone. My hopes is that the wisdom and experiences shared within Self Sagacity will be helpful to others who are seeking answers on the same subjects.
Events: Every quarter SelfSagacity.com hosts a Top Commenter Contest winner
received a quarter / three months of free advertisement on Self Sagacity's homepage.
Meme: Every Thursday we post questions on Self Sagacity.com about life or blogging. The meme is called Thursday Two Questions Meme, linky available every week on Wednesday evening at 4:30 pm PST. No longer offered Feb 2014
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