Casino Rating Site

This weekend my brother came to visit and since its Lunar New Year, we talked about the traditions at this time of year. We recognized that nowadays people like online gaming and don’t go to the casinos much anymore. But there are so many online casinos and gaming sites, how do we know which is good? Which one is user friendly and has the highest payout? I told him that recently I had heard about Casino, an online gaming rating site. It will pull up online casinos with high ratings, and if he is interested in slot machine returns and poker rooms, he could see the reviews right there.

There are some informative articles regarding online slots and how it’s played. He could view the pay out rate, the number of games, and even the bonus amount for each of these online casinos. The payout rate was very important to know. After all you wouldn't want to be playing at an online casino that has payout rate less than 50%. Why would someone want to play at an online gaming site that has less payout? One can play well or play a lot and still have very little payback. Its entertainment but it’s also a thrill to win, and I don’t know about you, but I like winning!


  1. We have friends who like to visit casinos. I will pass on the info.


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