Sesame Almond Beer Nut and Coconut Candy

Almond sesame beer nuts was always a hit at parties I've hosted. The added white decoration is stringy coconut yam candy. It is a Vietnamese tradition around Luna New Year that everyone / Vietnamese serves them. They also come in different colors and sizes. It is a special treat since it only comes around once a year.
The combination tasted so good together, not to mention, it added a festive look to the dish. To be honest, lately, there has been so much great food that I don't think I could possibly try everything.

The Sesame Almond Beer Nut and Coconut Candy is pretty simple to prepare granted you've already made your Almond Roasted Sesame Seed Beer Nut.

If you haven't, hurry over to the post and make your Roasted Honey Sesame Seed Almonds so that we can continue with the rest of the preparation. You can get the coconut yam candy in the Asian markets around end of January beginning of February. Once you have both items ready, get your favorite dish and lay a layer of Sesame Seed almond Beer Nuts and slowly spread the coconut strip on top. That's it - easy appetizer or dessert you can serve for those unexpected / expected guests.


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