SunFlowers | Heading Towards New Brighton Beach

orange and yellow sunflowerWe are getting ready to take-off to New Brighton Beach. Yeah! I have been trying to get a spot here for the last ten years. I was lucky to to find one on Thursday that is right on the "bluff" as the woman called it.
This was the beach where my SO and I met. I joked that we had some unfinished business to take care of and we are going back to settle it. This time with the whole gang...

Have a wonderful day.

orange yellow sunflower

orange yellow sunflower
Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Love the different angles on them. :O)

  2. Have fun at the beach. Sounds like a blast!

  3. Gorgeous orange sunflowers!

    Have a wonderful time at New Brighton Beach with the whole gang.

  4. oh, those are very beautiful sunflowers, I presume New Brighton Beach is close to Monterey or Santa Cruz area? just guessing, hope you had a wonderful time there

  5. I have always loved the russet tones, whether in sunflowers of chrysanthemums. Beautiful.

  6. Have a great time and thanks for leaving us with these marvelous photos.

  7. Beautiful flowers! Nice that you had a beach day!

  8. Awww, I love sunflowers. Thanks for sharing.

  9. What beautiful flowers and your mosaic is great. They come in such fun colors and shapes. Hope you enjoyed the beach and cleared up your unfinished business!!!

  10. Beautiful collage! I love the dark color on the flowers. Really pretty shade.

    Erika B

  11. Lovely flowers, hope you had fun at the beach. Great photos!

  12. I never saw a sunflower of this colour tone. Have fun!!!

  13. Hope you have a good time. There's a Brighton beach here too. And it's very popular!

  14. And what might the "Unfinished Business" be?? You really sparked my interest.. Do we have an Event coming up??? Love You.

  15. Nice mosaic. All those flowers seem to be dancing for you and your SO...have a great time.

  16. What beautiful pictures. Have fun with the unfinished business.

  17. oh it looks soooo relaxing and pretty:) hope y'all had a great weekend!

  18. @DianeI only had a few seconds to take my best shot before being dragged to see animals by Miss Trinity. Smiles.

  19. @Deborah AnnI can't wait to write about these wonderful adventures!

  20. @EwaI love the way the flowers turn out. The light hit it just right.

  21. @PatThanks, we are not going too far away, but it feels like we are packing for our whole life. Smiles.

  22. @betchaiNew Brighton is close to Capitola and Santa Cruz. It is a little misty out here, but still very peaceful...until night time.

  23. @ArijaI love the colors, they are actually my favorite combination.

  24. @DeniseI still have not gone away completely, but anyhow, life isn't the same without time on my blog.

  25. @DishesdoneSunflowers are the simplest, but they are so nice in different shades/

  26. @KalaYes, not sure if I can get the business done with the kids around. Don't want to expose them to any violence. haha

  27. @Lily HydrangeaThanks. Always looking for that angle that will set the flowers apart.

  28. @JacquelineI will have to try to clear the unfinished business. Or else, it won't be until another ten years before we come back.

  29. @Erika BI think the brown made the yellow and orange look so dramatic.

  30. @eileeninmdMonday is the last day and night, it was just enough to realize what we were missing in the city.

  31. @Nehha N JosshiSure will. I like sunflowers this color so much more than the yellow.

  32. @lizaI guess I will have to follow -up with the last post about how I met SO.

  33. @Stephanie VYes. Dancing, we forgot how to be romantic and in love. Not sure if we even got anything in our minds except dinner.haha

  34. @Margaret DuarteUnfinished will be finished even if I don't think it is finished. Our time has expired when it hit ten years!

  35. Beautiful sunflowers, I really like the reddish orange shades of this one.

    Have a great time at the beach, I hope the unfinished gets finished!!!

  36. These are beautiful sunflowers, and the colors are gorgeous! I bet you had fun there!

  37. I love sunflowers! They're so cheery!!!

  38. Hey...those are some truly beautiful photos of the flowers you have there..

    I was at the department store yesterday, and I saw flowers for sale. Then I saw a list of what kind of flowers they were.. I saw a picture of one of my favorite kinds of flowers, which I previously didn't know the name of! And I found out yesterday, they are called "milflores" ...beautiful little, tiny blue flowers that look like the weeds of Heaven!

    Anyway... enjoy your stay at the beach with the whole gang! :)

  39. @SquirrelQueenI love the color of this sunflower as well! I will hope I complete my mission.

  40. @MumsyLet's me see how much damage I can do from this trip in posts. haha

  41. @Inspired2cookSunflowers are pretty when cared for. Some can look pretty bad when they are not taken care of.

  42. @CI am glad you found the name of your favorite flowers, now I have to look it up!

  43. I hope you had a wonderful time and it wasn't all "business" :-)

  44. I always love the darker sunflowers -- so beautiful! Hope you had fun at the beach. :) thanks for sharing at MM. :)

  45. oh sunflowers... i will surely miss them. they are almost gone now. oh well, i will just get some from the grocery... sunflower seeds, that is. hahahaha

    love your photos... especially the mosaic.


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