How to UNDO a SENT eMail in Gmail

Have you ever sent an email, then wished you never sent it? I never do. BTW - that's a lie. 
Yes, I have, but not often, thank goodness. The rule of thumb for me is every time I know I am sending an email that is a bit controversy or questionable, I think about it for a long time to make sure  I really want to send it before I do. 

Unfortunately, there are the kinds of emails that you didn't even have time to think about because they were "accidental". They can happen when you were interrupted, and or when your kid hit the button just to be funny. Believe it or not, there is a solution, and good old GMAIL has it! Woohoo for Google apps. 

Follow these steps to UNDO your sent email in Gmail

Step 1: Log in to your Gmail. Click on the gear icon to access your settings. Select Settings. 

Step 2: Under the General tab, scroll down until you find the option for Undo Send. Check the box to Enable Undo Send. 

Step 3: Choose the cancellation period - i.e. the amount of time you would allow yourself to change your mind before you can no longer "undo send". Your options range from 5 to 30 seconds. 

Step 4: Scroll down to the bottom of the settings page and click the "Save Changes" button. 

That's it. But the dilemma is you only have up to 30 seconds to change your mind. So before you send an email, think about it for 30 seconds to make sure you really want to send the email before you click that "send" button.


  1. Great tip! I usually, almost never make any mistakes :) but this is a great tool! Thanks!


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