Famous Quotes From the Book of Choice

Happy New Year! 
I can only remember one New Year's Eve party that I ever attended. New Year's Eve parties are not in my life. When I was old enough to go to parties, I got married and bounded by the activities with that person, which is work. Then mom came and lived with us, there was no life outside of our family. Then first son was born on New Year day, which ended all the possibilities of any New Year's Eve parties. So I don't do anything normal on New Year's Eve - no exception today either. ;-) Instead of making resolutions, I'm sharing some inspirational quotes from the Stephen Covey's book of Choice. One of the two Portable 7 Habits books I've kept close for 17 years.  

What you resist, persist.

Your truth will find you no matter where you hide. Ignoring your inner voice or closing yourself off to your inner truth only invited it to show up in other negative ways, such as depression, addictive behaviors, or simply discontent. The sooner you open to your truth, the quicker and farther you can advance along your path. Life flows more smoothly when we heed our inner message.
What's my inner self telling me? -Self Sagacity

To exist is to change, 
to change is to mature, 
to mature is to go on
creating oneself endlessly.

                       -HENRY BERGSON
It is possible to mature without making major life changes - Self Sagacity

on what you are moving toward rather than what you are leaving behind.
Certainly easier and more exciting when looking forward - Self Sagacity





Someone comforted me with this metaphor once and I have been strengthen by it ever since. 
"Imagine you came to a bridge. As you look ahead, it seems uncertain and scary. But if you take steps forward, you will soon find you're half way on the bridge. Your natural instinct would be to look back, and maybe even run back. 
But take courage and cross the bridge. Before you know it, you've reached the other side, and realized you've made it all the way!" This has been very true for 99% of the changes in my life. 

And yet, another someone said the following words of wisdom when I was in the midst of life changes, which had been a great motivator to me: 

"Don't mourn over the loss now, because what you'll find will always be better than what you had." 

I can't say that I am currently convinced of this last one, because I've just arrived at the bridge and too afraid to step onward, even though at one point I believe 100% this is true.
The icons featured on this post are the art work designed by Self Sagacity's Creative Director - TArms.


  1. It's true, move forward, things come to pass. What's next is better than what was behind me except for aging :)) not very pretty down the road.

  2. Love the drawings from TArms! x-)


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