Connecting with Corporate Leaders through Social Media

Social media has proven itself to be a powerful resource for business. No longer reserved solely for playing games and connecting with friends and relatives, social media now encourages people in the professional arena to build connections with each other. Whether you want to establish a professional relationship with people with whom you work or stay in tune with the leaders of companies in which you have invested, you can establish those connections by linking your social media account to pages like Wesley Edens' Linkedin profile. By engaging with this person via social media, you can research the company for which this person works and build important connections with groups and other people in his social media circle.

Profiles of business leaders on social media come in handy for a variety of reasons. They primarily inform about the person who owns the profile and what experience he or she has in the company for whom he or she works. In essence, these profiles can serve as informal resumes or cover letters, allowing you access to this vital information without you actually having to ask for a resume or cover letter to be sent to you. You can browse the profile and stay abreast of any changes to it when you build that connection with the person.

Before you can connect with any of the individuals who are associated with the companies for which you work or in which you have invested, you must first join the social media website. A site like LinkedIn is free to join and takes a relatively short amount of time to join. After you sign up with your email and create a username and password, you can then create your own profile to share with others. This profile lets others know what companies you have worked for and what company you work for currently. You can also indicate if you are self-employed or an independent contractor.

Once you have built your own profile, you can then set about to link with others. Linking with others may best be approached with some forethought. Many people who have profiles on these sites are guarded and would rather avoid connecting with individuals who could tarnish their reputations. However, if you are merely looking to connect for investor purposes, you would not be out of place to request a connection with the person who heads the business in which you have or plan to invest. After you connect, you can then research this person's qualifications and find out what makes him or her a successful leader for that company.

Along with connecting with people who head up or work for the companies in which you are interested, you can also connect with people who are linked to people with whom you have connected. For example, if you link with a person, you can find out what other people are also connected to that person on the site. You can then decide if it would benefit you to establish connections with those individuals as well. This connection building can help you feel more confident as an investor. It can also help you discover more about a company for which you plan to work in the future. Social media profiles are increasingly becoming valuable resources in the professional arena and business world.

Sujin Jetkasettakorn


  1. I enjoyed this article very much. You make some great points here.

  2. This is a fascinating, thought-provoking article which I thoroughly enjoyed reading. Thank you.

  3. Great post. I particularly enjoyed reading about all the ways companies and persons can benefit from social listening.

  4. Excellent post providing whole range of information about how social media is changing the world of business communication.

  5. It’s an excellent asset. More and more businesses are making use of social media as a tool to connect and engage directly with their clients and customers.

  6. Interesting and don’t just limit your efforts to Twitter and Facebook—LinkedIn is becoming an increas­ingly important platform not just for extending your professional relationships and connecting with leaders in your field, but for publishing original content.

  7. I use LinkedIn to connect quickly with people I just met at a Networking event. I use it to research someone I’m about to have a meeting with. I also use it to connect with people who others in my network already know.

  8. I have found the post very useful … LinkedIn is a primary source for most professional queries, be it for recruiting or collaboration.

  9. Everyone is on Social Media now, so it’s important that you stand out and create compelling content that well positions you.

  10. Thanks for highlighting the importance of social media as a powerful resource for business. Great post as always!


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